Zsolt Imre Csenki-Bakos, PhD.

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Dr. Csenki-Bakos Zsolt Imre

Last modified: 25. May 2022

Senior Research fellow

E-mail: Csenki-Bakos.Zsolt.Imre@uni-mate.hu
  • Development of multicolor zebrafish modells for toxicology.
  • Development of biomarker transgenic zebrafish lines suitable for the detection of EDC and other endocrine disruptors.
  • Testing of complex environmental samples by ecotoxicological methods.
  • Monitoring of alternative wastewater treatment technologies with fish tests.
  • Design of new equipment for toxicological tests.
  • Possibilities of testing the function, environmental safety and efficacy of microorganism strains promoting bioremediation with a zebrafish model.
  • Development of alternative exposure methods and test endpoints for a fish model.


His research focuses on mycotoxins, EDC compounds, pharmaceuticals, pond farming micro-contaminants, and drinking water desinfection by-products.


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