Vásárhelyi Erna - Akvakultúra és Környezetbiztonsági Intézet
Erna Vásárhelyi
Vásárhelyi Erna
Last modified: 02. May 2024
Assistant Research Fellow |
E-mail: | Vasarhelyi.Erna@uni-mate.hu |
In 2013, she graduated as an agricultural biotechnologist at the Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences of Szent István University. She took part in the implementation of several Hungarian tenders, during which she carried out population genetic studies using sequencing. From May 2014, she worked as a departmental engineer in the Department of Aquaculture. In September 2015, she was admitted to the Doctoral School of Animal Biotechnology and Animal Science at Szent István University. Her main area of investigation of toxic effects of water disinfection by-products on zebrafish by toxicological tests and gene expression analysis. In addition to developing her doctoral topics, she took part in many tender and acted as a supervisor in the elaboration of several Bsc and Msc dissertations. From September 2018, as a research associate, she supported the results of various toxicological tests using biological methods (PCR, qRT-PCR, in situ hybridization, etc.). One of its main tasks is the expression analysis of different genes using qRT-PCR. This field of study deals with the detection of the estrogenic effect of various substances in toxicological tests performed on the zebrafish model organism by analyzing the expression of the vitellogenin gene.